Saturday, 9 August 2014

Exciting Week Ahead

What an exciting week ahead. We are starting the Readathon and I know this will be fantastic fun. Get those books out! What fun - read, read and read!

We also have Maths Week and will be doing lots of the challenges on the Maths Week website. Congratulations to all those clever hard working children who have progressed on our tables and division challenges. Great to see all the hard work going in to learning these. If you want to find more practise opportunities remember Studyladder and NZ Maths Family page. ( Both of these are great sites.

A pack of cards is also a great way to learn tables or even smarten up on division skills. Put down two, add them up and divide by a third card. Yes you will probably have a remainder. Give it a go!

1 comment:

  1. So excited for the read-a-thon. Finley was reading this morning before school.
