Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Room 22 helping the School!!

Room 22 have been helping the school and we are all enjoying the roles that we have. Here is a list of the roles and students that got into roles in Room 22.

House Captains: Sophie, Jamie, Jonty and Oscar.
School Council: Ava, Rebecca, Tom and Harrison.
Book Monitor: Chloe, Alex, Paige, Jessica, Ava, Tom and Queton.
Flag Monitors: Chante, Sebastian and Queton.
Recycling Monitors: Sunshine.
Library Monitors: Sunshine, Lauren, Mia and Chloe. 
Well done everyone in Room 22!!

1 comment:

  1. Andrea Woodbury24 May 2016 at 15:27

    Congratulations to the school leaders and all those involved in giving service to the school. Seek the heights!
