Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Learning to Write Exciting Titles and Beginning Paragraphs.

Today we went and played in the leaves and then had to write a title and the opening paragragh. How could we 'hook' our readers in so they would want to continue reading our work?
These are great examples and we decided we would want to continue reading these two great pieces. Well done!

Five Minutes of Autumn

We sprinted down the path with excitement among us. We smashed into the  piles of sharp crispy brown leaves, and sprung from side to side until we collapsed into the dirt underneath our dirty trainers and bare feet. As soon as we fell, our friends started to cover us in the dusty leaves and laugh tremendously loud using all the energy they had left in their fuel tank. The leaves rustled upon us, dancing around in the autumn wind. It felt like they were tickling us.

By Fletcher and Aston.

The Beauty of Autumn

We were shuffling towards the brightly coloured autumn leaves. We heard the rustling of the leaves as our feet sank into them. We felt the sharp corners and rough edges on the leaves as we delightfully  picked them up. Harrison was slowly getting buried under a mountain of leaves. Laughter floated up into the morning air.
By Daniel and Toby

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