Tuesday, 21 February 2017

The Koru Suite's Korowai

The Koru Suite have made their own korowai. This is a cloak and on it we have attached our goals for this term. Some examples of our goals are :

I would like to challenge myself in maths, especially decimals.
I would like to put my hand up for more things.
I would like to put my hand up to share more ideas.

We are going to work really hard on achieving these goals.

By Cade

Monday, 13 February 2017

Working Spaces

We have many different working spaces in the Koru Suite. We have spaces where we can collaborate with others, where we can work by ourselves and where we can teach others. Today we spent some time by ourselves sharing our thoughts about writing and reading. What a beautiful working environment!

Koru art

We have done two pieces of art and we based them on shape,colour and textures. In the bottom picture we used ink and pastel. We got to choose cold or hot colours to use. The hot colours popped out very well and the cold colours were good too.

If you would like to see more come and visit the Koru Suite.


Thursday, 2 February 2017

Koru Art

Today we started our Koru Art. We looked at New Zealand artists that use Koru design in their work and then began our first piece. We will be completing two pieces of art over the next week.

Welcome to the Koru Suite

What a fabulous start to the year! The Koru Suite have been learning about each other and we have also been finding our way around our new environment. There are lots of interesting places for us all to work - quiet places, places we can collaborate and places we can teach and learn. Today we started on our koru art and hopefully these will be finished tomorrow to add some extra colour to our already colourful rooms.

 Many thanks to everyone for having all the right books and gear at school. We will be launching into these on Tuesday.

 It is also lovely to have children in our room who have had lots of sleep and delicious food, as this helps to keep their brains active. Phew, we are all feeling we have been at school for a whole week so it will be lovely to have an extra day at home on Monday!

 We are looking forward to seeing our parents next week at our 'Meet the Parents' evening. A notice will be going home shortly.

 Thank you for preparing your children for their year with us.

 Kind regards, Lynne Legarth and Sharron Tomlinson