Sunday, 21 September 2014

Unisons Greatest Supporter

Siobhan in our class is Unisons greatest supporter for September. For this she has to complete three tasks. Task One was to draw a picture about the dangers of power lines and power boxes. Task Two was to play the What Numbers game on the Unison website. Task Three was to hand out as many Unison magnets as she can. She has given a magnet to everyone in our class, and people in our class have heard her Unisons greatest supporters ad on four different radio stations.
Well done Siobhan !
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Thursday, 18 September 2014

Open Day Sharing

These are some of the suggestions we have researched. We shared our ideas with Mr Bain and he took the ideas to the Board Of Trustees.
Thank you to all the parents who came to our Open Day. It was lovely to see you all and thank you for letting us share our learning with you.
Congratulations to Ben, Tom Siobhan and Phoebe for getting chosen to run at the Hastings District Inter-Cross Country last Tuesday. Tom, Siobhan and Phoebe are now going to run at the Hawke's Bay inter-school Cross Country.
Phoebe came 15th, Siobhan came 5th, Tom came 1st and Ben cam 48th in their age groups.

Congrats Tom for coming 1st in your race.nGood luck for the Hawke's Bay Cross Country
Congratulations Siobhan for coming 5th. It's an amazing position to get in such a big competition. Run hard at the Hawke's Bay cross Country. Best of luck to all of you.

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Tom and Finley have worked very hard to make this master piece during a long seven weeks of learning and researching about parks, reserves and a little bit about gardens. They both put in a lot of collaboration, critical thinking and they also communicated with their ideas. Well done.

Sunday, 7 September 2014

The Ranfurly shield

Te Mata School were really lucky to have one of the magpie players bring the Ranfurly Shield to our school. Lots of people came with their iPads to have their photo taken. Some people were saying ' we touched victory' I agree with that.


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Thursday, 4 September 2014

Read-a-Thon Winners

Read-a-Thon Winners.

Holly and Finley were the champion readers for this Read-a-Thon, Finley for both runner up for the write your own book award and he was the senior boy that read the most minutes. For that he was awarded a book called Timmy Failure, Now What Have You Done and an I Pod shuffle! Holly was the champion for the write your own book award for her wonderful story Fire.
Well done both of you!

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Adele Broadbent

Our class book at the moment is "Just Jack" by Adele Broadbent. Keely went to the book launch of her new children's novel, "Trouble in Time".

YouTube Video

By Keely and Emily

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Google Docs Room 22

We are currently really enjoying writing on google docs

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Epic Citadel character profile

On the 1st of September we were doing a medieval theme on a character
profile and we used Epic Citadel to look at the setting of the citadel and create
our own character in a story.

By Matthew and Bronson

Maori Language Te reo

Kei te Pehea koe?

Room 22 learn about Te Reo Maori most Wednesdays. This week we have been learning about different greetings to say to someone. Pouri means sad, Koa means happy, Pai means good, riri means angry hiakai means hungry and hiamoe means that you're sleepy.

Author Studies

Recently, as part of the Read-a-thon, we have done Author Studies. The main purpose of these was to learn about various authors so that other classmates can read their books.
We invite you to come into our classroom and learn about our favourite authors!

By Anja Wellwood
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If you haven't been into our classroom, you might be wondering what our inquiry is for this term.
Our big question is "As a community, how do we understand and care for our environment."
We've split into two groups. One group is studying gardens and parks while the others are looking at how we can improve the area behind our room. We will present what we have done on the open day in Week Nine. All parents are welcome to come.
Anja and Ella are going to plan a mural, Holly, Amelia and Phoebe are looking at what plants could be good, Bronson, Luka, Joe, Emily and Matthew want to find out what playground equipment would be suitable and Josh and George are working out the safety regulations on it. Cormac wants to incorporate a natural play ground. Ben and Keely are looking at what the kids use the area for and are making a map. Wish us luck!

Do you know what equivalent fraction are?

Well we do, the cones maths group have made a few Explain Everything about equivalent fractions, enjoy reading them!

By Siobhan, Hannah and Emily.

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Have you seen our cube wall?

Room 22 have made book box cubes to introduce other stories to each other.

Come on Room 22 show your friends our awesome cube wall.
By Emily Wright.