Wednesday, 25 June 2014

What a fantastic time we are having this week. So much new learning.
We owe a huge thank you to the super technology teachers at HNI. We had a great time.
Thank you.

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Location:Technology at HNI

Perfect Presentation!

Today Room 22's amazing children presented their learning about marine conservation to Mrs McCool from DOC and other guests from National Aquarium and HB Regional Council. I was so very proud! You were all incredible and worked so well together. Thank you so much for putting the effort in and once again 'seeking the heights'. What a truly fantastic team you were. We will repeat this for the school Assembly next term.

Sunday, 22 June 2014

Saturday, 21 June 2014

The last trip for our marine conservation work was at Ahuriri. We started the day on the waka - Te Matau a Maui.

YouTube Video

We even had the opportunity to hoist the sails. The hardest part was refolding them so they fitted into the bags for storage.

YouTube Video

The next part of the day was going around four activities.
We tried fishing with Mr Petherick from MPI and we know the fish were there because they took all our bait and kept escaping.

Next activity beach clean up with Jake and Carly from the National Aquarium. We picked up bags of rubbish and some of us found an old penguin nest.

The third activity was learning about how plants adapt and survive in coastal areas. Mr Lee from DOC took this session.

Our very last session was taken by TK from HB Regional Council and we learnt so much about pollution of the waterways and the impact it has on the ocean. We also got to see how an oil spill is managed.

We thoroughly enjoyed our day and learnt so much.
Thank you so much Mrs McCool and the presenters.

Location:Our Amazing Ahuriri Experience

Do You Want To Have Some Fun Learning Your Division Facts?

This website may help. Try it out and then tell us tomorrow what you think. Are these effective ways to learn those division facts that keep escaping us? I can't wait to hear your opinion. Fun4theBrain Division Games

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Australian Math Problem Solving

Last week 21 of our top mathematicians came together to participate in the 2014 Australian Problem Solving Challenge. Over the two weeks of the challenge the students work in groups of three to solve four tricky problems. This year the problems cover geometry, algebra, and number. Too date Mrs Wilkie has been impressed with the students stick ability, and communication with group members. The challenge finishes on Friday.

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Mr Petherick's Visit

On the 4th of June we had Mr Petherick who works at MPI come and explain to us about his job and many things about the ocean.

We learnt about the size of fish and the limit we're allowed to take, so, if you ever take a Paua it's got to be at least 125mm for you to be able to take it.

He also taught us a little bit about the food chain in the the rock pools and the survival of the creatures that compete with each other for food, safety and a home.

We also learnt about some of the rare creatures and the DNA of the creatures that allow them to survive in different habitat. On behalf of room 22 I would like to thank Mr Petherick for his amazing presentation and just for coming in to speak to us.

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Monday, 2 June 2014

Te Angiangi Reserve Trip

Thank you so much to Mrs Beecroft, Poppa Cotter, Mrs Schmidt and of course Mrs Chatfield. These adults helped carry out our survey and discover the biodiversity of the rock pools. Mrs McCool and Dan from DOC set up the string lines for our survey and we did the rest.
Mrs McCool said we were thorough scientific surveyors!

It was a fabulous day to visit the reserve and we now know lots about it.

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Te Angiangi Trip

Our trip to Te Angiangi reserve.

YouTube Video

By Emily & Anja.

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